I Dressed Like My Dog For A Week, And It Was Actually A Lot Easier Than I Thought It Would Be

There is honestly nothing I love more than my dog. I tell him that at least once every 30 minutes, just in case he somehow forgot I had said it to him. He is the love of my life; my everything; the glimmering ray of sunshine in my otherwise boring and mundane day-to-day life.

I’ve always been in love with animals ever since I can remember. Whether it was collecting stuffed animals as a young child because of how cute they were or stopping to pet every single dog I saw on the street (at almost 30 years old, I still do this on a regular basis), I’ve always had a major soft spot for four-legged creatures. After all, in my eyes, they’re a lot better to be around than their mouthy, rude, two-legged counterparts (AKA humans). Plus, they don’t argue with you about what to watch on Netflix or complain about the laundry not being folded perfectly. No matter what, they’re always down to party, nap, play, snuggle — you name it, they just want to be around you while you do it. That’s true companionship right there, folks.

I adopted my terrier-mix, Jones Pickle Copernicus, about a year and a half ago. It truly was love at first sight, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. He’s the closest thing I’ll have to a kid in the near and foreseeable future, so you bet your bottom dollar I spoil the absolute heck out of him. I already splurge on toys, blankets, and organic treats for him, so is it any wonder that I would also splurge on adorable outfits for him, too?

Spoiler alert: It’s not.

Anyway, with all the outfits he has (jackets, t-shirts, bow ties, etc.), I figured we have to have some of the same stuff. And since parents wear matching outfits with their kids sometimes, what’s the big deal if I dress like Jones for a week, right? Right.

Here’s the rundown of my stylish New Bork Fashion Week, inspired the one true muse in my life.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/i-wore-matching-outfits-dog/