Although the original post was deleted, the comments on the thread are still available, and OP actually shared a breakdown of the “luxuries” her husband is referring to, and some extra commentary he gave:

“My epidural (I made it 24 hours, I surely could’ve lasted 14 more), the lactation consultant (didn’t I read enough books?), the nursery fee (it’s our baby, so he should stay in the room with us no matter how sleep deprived we are), an extra night’s stay (suggested by the nurse to help me recover from the zero sleep I had), any food I ate (I should’ve packed snacks because I knew it could be long), my postpartum supplies (should’ve brought my own), and when they tested his blood, I requested they also test for the blood condition that runs in my family. After listing this out, I’m now realizing how stupid I was to think I was in the wrong here.”
