Dump half a cup of your least favorite dish soap in and let it sit there for a few minutes.

It should sink down and coat the sides of the pipe so things can slip out easier.

A simple bucket of hot water (not boiling; that could crack the porcelain!) could be enough to force the clogged mass through the pipe.

You could combine it with the dish soap method if you think you’ve got a big clump and need additional help.

#3. A Wire Hanger

iStock 491325275 How To Unclog Your Toilet Without A Plunger

Image Credit: iStock

Untwist a wire hanger from your closet and use it like you would a drain snake.

Twist and shove until you’ve pushed the mass through or broken it up enough to go down.

#2. Baking Soda and Vinegar

iStock 1248198746 How To Unclog Your Toilet Without A Plunger

Image Credit: iStock

One cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar go into the bowl, then let it sit for 30 minutes.

You can try flushing it with that bucket of hot water for some extra oomph.

#1. A Plastic Bottle

iStock 494501198 How To Unclog Your Toilet Without A Plunger

Image Credit: iStock

Remove as much water from your toilet bowl as possible, then fill up a plastic bottle with warm water. Grab a pair of rubber gloves (if you haven’t already), plug the top of the bottle with your thumb, and place it at the mouth of the pipe. Remove your thumb and squeeze, hopefully propelling the clogged mass through.

Source: https://twistedsifter.com/2022/05/how-to-unclog-your-toilet-without-a-plunger/