“How is it possible to stop what is flowing…
Because water says that my owner is only Allah Almighty…” Episode 10 Introduction 🌙 #AzizMahmudHüdayi Journey of Love is on every weekday at 23.45 during Ramadan #TRT1‘of. TRT1 Aziz Mahmud Hudayi Bozdag Film
“How is it possible to get in front of the flowing…
Because water says that my owner is only Allahu Züljalal… ” 10. Episode Sneak Peek 🌙 #AzizMahmudHüdayi The Journey of Love is on #TRT1 every weekday during Ramadan at 23.45. TRT1 Aziz Mahmud Hudayi Bozdag FilmTranslated from Turkish
