Here’s How To Get the Gemini Closet in ‘Animal Crossing: New Horizons’

As with every DIY recipe in the game, you’ll need to gather specific ingredients before you can craft the Gemini Closet. Each closet requires three star fragments, two Gemini fragments, two gold nuggets, and six stones. The stones and gold nuggets are relatively easy to come by — just make sure to bang at the rocks on your island every day. But what about the star fragments?

In order to get star fragments, you’ll need to wish on shooting stars during the meteor shower. To do this, simply look up at the sky (without any tools in your hands) and press the “A” button whenever you see a shooting star. It will glow brighter for a moment when you’ve successfully made your wish. The more wishes you make, the more star fragments you’ll find (up to about 25) — but you won’t be able to collect them until the next day.

The next morning, check out your beach for star fragments. Depending on how many wishes you made, there will be a mix of large and regular size star fragments, as well as special zodiac fragments. The Gemini fragments needed for the closet are only available during Gemini season: May 21 – June 20, so if you need that closet, be sure to dedicate some playtime to looking for shooting stars!

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