Here’s How Bucket Filling Can Help Children Grow Into Kinder Human Beings

Since the days of Dr. Spock, different parenting styles and philosophies have come and gone. By now, we all know there isn’t one right way to raise your kids. Everyone does the best they can with the hand they’re dealt. Realistically, no two parents run their households exactly the same way.

What parenting culture has shifted toward emphasizes equipping kids with the skills and tools they’ll need. It’s a shift from the days of training them on how to think or behave. In doing so, we face a lot of challenges still. In an ever-changing world that’s grown increasingly complicated and dark, how do we teach our kids to be kind and empathetic?

Enter bucket filling, a concept that’s said to teach everyone from young children to adults in the workplace how to consciously think of their own feelings and mental wellbeing, as well as those of others. By using a concrete example, we can build on the idea of how happiness, sadness, and the complex myriad of emotions in between are exchanged.

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