Out of all the sharks that patrol the oceans of the world, hammerhead sharks, which appeared about 20 million years ago, have the best views of the water and their prey because of their depth perception.

And the depth perception of hammerheads is so strong because of their heads and their eye placement. The shape of the head is called a cephalofoil and it makes hammerheads one of the best predators among sharks.

The cephalofoil not only helps hammerheads hunt prey but also helps them quickly change directions in the water.

Another advantage hammerheads have because of the shape of their heads and the placement of their eyes is that they have a larger number of electrosensory pores, which helps them to sense electric fields that indicate where live animals are, such as stingrays buried in sand on the ocean floor.

The video comes to us from Stephanie Sammann at Real Science.

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Source: https://twistedsifter.com/videos/hammerhead-sharks-are-great-predators-because-of-their-unusual-biology/