A school teacher has their young students use “tattle forms” to tell on other kids and the results range from funny to completely uncanny.

Callie (Carlos) Cadorniga - Author

When you were a kid and someone was bothering you at school, your first impulse might have been to tell on them. Maybe your teacher took your concerns and decided to conduct low-stakes conflict resolution between two bickering kids, which in hindsight, sounds a lot harder than most of us might realize. Harder still would be the fact that a teacher might have to play mediator several times with several kids throughout the day.

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One teacher decided to streamline the whole process with their patented “tattle forms,” which their students are encouraged to fill out and hand in whenever a problem with another student arises. The responses they get are surprisingly pretty funny. Let’s check out this teacher spilling the tea on their students with tattle form submissions.

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This teacher on TikTok reads funny responses on “tattle forms.”

Jenkins on TikTok (@jenkins004) shares plenty of teacher struggles on their profile. Most of them come in the form of their popular “tattle form” videos.

If you’ve never heard of them before, they’re pretty much exactly what they sound like. Jenkins’ tattle forms are little slips of paper where students can fill out their name, date, the child they have a problem with, and what the dilemma actually is. They even include check boxes asking the child if they spoke to the other kid first before filling out the form.

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Jenkins likely addressed these tattle form concerns on their own. Thankfully, they’ve been kind enough to share some of the contents of these forms with students’ names censored so they can anonymously spill the tea on what their students get up to.

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In one of their many tattle form videos, one student wrote “not minding her own business, that’s what” as the reason for their tattling.

Other responses include:

  • “She said I was a roach and she bucked at me”
  • “I hit her by mistake and she said ‘b—-, don’t touch me”
  • “He keeps looking at me and growling”
  • “Told me to shut up and called me dumb and stupid”
  • “Said my Crocs were ugly”
  • “He was mocking me and when me and my friends were dancing, he said ‘I don’t like it'”

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Kids can get into beef with each other for the strangest reasons, and these tattle forms prove it. Sure, they can get into scuffles with each other, but these forms show that it doesn’t take much for kids to feel as if they’ve been wronged by each other. They seem quite willing to start up drama with each other on a whim.

But the concept of tattle forms themselves has gotten so popular that teachers can now buy them for their own classrooms. On their bio, Jenkins shared links to Etsy shops that are selling different versions of tattle forms.

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Not only that, but they also have “shout-out forms” to spread more positivity in the classroom. As their name suggests, shout-out forms are used to allow students to complement each other and say nice things to each other for a little positive reinforcement.

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Jenkins even shared videos for shout-out forms in the past. Some of the responses say:

  • “For being my BFF since second grade. Slay all day every day”
  • “Helps me when I’m sad and I’m thankful for her”
  • “You are a cool girl”
  • “You doing good”
  • “He makes me have fun any time”

Whether Jenkins’ kids are spilling the tea or spreading the love, either way, at least they have it in writing now! It’s important for kids to learn how to express and deal with their feelings and tattle forms definitely help.

Source: https://www.distractify.com/p/funny-kids-school-tattle-forms