
“I thought buying a fixer upper would be a smart idea to save cash. Plus I’m fairly handy so savings right off the bat! It also didn’t help that at the time so many flippers were buying properties, doing the bare minimum to make them nice, and trying to sell them for double. It has not been cheaper. If you go on HomeAdvisor and check to see how much X costs, double, or sometimes triple it if you want the cost that contractors will actually charge you. And for the work I can handle? It turns out when you buy a home, you have a lot of upkeep on its own, plus yard work. It takes forever to finish anything around the house, and I’d rather just pay someone else to do it than sacrifice the little free time I have doing the work.”

“I would never recommend someone to buy a fixer upper to save money. I would recommend it to someone who wants their house in a very specific way, so if you plan to have your marble kitchen island and mosaic backsplash with the apron sink, then pick the fixer upper instead to start with a lower entry price.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/fixer-upper-homes-stories