First Cousins Say They’re In Love And Now They’re Fighting For The Right To Get Legally Married

Michael Lee says he’s loved Angie ever since they were in the second grade. He had such a crush on her that he told Angie’s mom he would one day marry her.

Their families vacationed and celebrated holidays together… and Michael’s love for Angie never really wained. As they grew older, their lives went in separate directions.

But in 2019, Michael and Angie found their way back to each other after 10 years. They had both recently broken up with their significant others and the door was finally open for them to officially fell in love. They say their relationship is the most fulfilling one they’ve ever had, built on mutual respect and shared interests.

But here’s the thing: Michael and Angie are first cousins.

According to the DNA experts at 23andMe, first cousins share 12.5 percent of their DNA. However, Michael and Angie say the real issue with their relationship is the social stigma attached to being romantically involved with a first cousin, and not genetic consequences should they procreate.

The couple says they try not to focus on what their friends and family may think.

In Utah, where they live, it’s illegal for first cousins to marry — but that didn’t stop Michael and Angie from exchanging vows.

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