Nearly 2 years ago we abandoned our van in a Moroccan parking lot. 6 weeks ago we flew back to rescue it and now we’re about to abandon it all over again!! For your chance to win an Airstream Interstate 24X and support a great cause go to https://www.omaze.com/eandb

► SUBSCRIBE for a new video every single Sunday https://bit.ly/2Uqcyae
► The vlog continues on Instagram https://instagram.com/eamonandbec​​​​

Is this the end of #vanlife for Eamon & Bec?!

We’re Eamon and Bec, a Canadian couple who previously lived and traveled full-time in our self converted Sprinter Van!! When the pandemic hit in 2020 we made the difficult decision to abandon our van in Africa and fly home to Canada. Six weeks ago we flew back to Morocco to rescue our van and today we are leaving it behind once again!

Eamon & Bec Products
↠ handmade chai blends https://chaiwalachai.com/​​​​ ↞
↠ cookbook & merch https://eamonandbec.com/​ ↞

We’re flying home to our cabin in the woods!

Full Cabin Tour | Before & After 1 Year of Renovations https://bit.ly/3m6klEZ
Catch up on our cabin in the woods videos: https://bit.ly/3mNAcpX​​​​

We’ve always envisioned moving into the woods by the lake and building our dream tiny cabin as a home base for us to come back to in between our international van life travels. While we are looking forward to rescuing our abandoned van from Morocco, we are so so grateful to have this space to call home!