Emojiscopes: Your horoscope for September 2020

Are you feeling self-critical? Like nothing’s ever good enough? Like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t make things perfect? Welcome to Virgo season! Virgos may have a rep for being extra particular, but they really shine when they’re using their perfectionism in service of the greater good. These down-to-earth angels aren’t critical without cause. They want to make the world a better place, and they’re willing to roll up their sleeves and do whatever it takes to get the job done. 

If you have projects that need fine-tuning or relationships that need mending, this is an excellent time of year to get to it. Just remember to add three heaping tablespoons of compassion for every drop of criticism. When Virgo energy goes into overload, the desire to perfect yourself—or those around you—can be downright paralyzing. 

If you’re having trouble figuring out where to put all this Virgo energy, remember that Virgos are practical nurturers and healers. Consider how you can be of service in your personal life and in your community. If you’ve been feeling adrift or stuck, take some time to give back. You may find that volunteer work, or committing yourself to a cause, can be incredibly energizing.

Please note: These September 2020 horoscopes, like emoji, are meant to add fun and color to your month. Take what feels good to you, leave what doesn’t.

Virgo 😮💨💅🖼️👁️

Goodness gracious, it’s finally YOUR season! You may have spent a lot of last month communicating your wants and needs. But now it’s time for you to just let yourself take a deep breath and enjoy the gift of being alive! Projects may be calling your name, but if you don’t take time to rest and play, you won’t have much to give. Take some time to follow your bliss this month. Make space for beauty, whether it’s decorating your home, treating yourself to a new nail polish, or taking in some art. The more you apply your meticulous eye for detail to making things lovely right now, the more pleasure you’ll find waiting for you.

Libra 🎤📰💆💡🙋

Speak up, Libra! When Mercury moves into your sign on Sept. 5, communication will become a central part of your days. You may find yourself receiving important news, or perhaps you’ll be a conduit for information that’s important to others. You love to help your friends, partners, and coworkers with whatever they need, but pay close attention to the information that’s shared and how it may affect you personally! You’re a consummate peacemaker, and you have a gift for seeing both sides of every issue, which makes you a fabulous communicator. But sometimes you’re so busy playing the diplomat that you forget to take stock of your own opinion. This month, it’s likely you’ll need to take a stand or make a demand. Make sure you set aside some me-time to get in touch with your own thoughts and feelings. The more aware you are of your heart and mind, the more you’ll be ready to communicate your truth.

Scorpio 🐌😖🤔⚔️✅

You may find yourself moving slowly this month. At times, it may feel like you’re moving so slowly that instead of moving forward, you’re simply treading over old ground. You usually love to reminisce, but now this energy could feel frustrating, like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. Remember to be patient with yourself and with others. If old patterns seem to pop up, consider that they may have something to teach you about outdated modes of communicating, being, or relating to those around you. Or perhaps you’ll find yourself clinging to old habits that no longer serve you. You have a stubborn streak, and you certainly prefer to do things your own way, but be sure you’re doing things in a way that actually supports your aims. If you’re taking a stand this month just to prove you can, you may find yourself fighting a battle without real purpose. Check your motivations before you make any big moves. 

Sagittarius ⏩⛰️💭🔮🤠

You’ll feel some forward momentum this month when your ruler, Jupiter, stations direct. But it will still be a slow and steady march forward. That’s because Jupiter is in Capricorn, a sign that is way more cautious than you, but is also capable of moving mountains. You probably wish you could plan a big adventure or do something totally daring like get a new tattoo. But right now, it’s all about long-term goals and big-picture plans. If that sounds boring to you, consider that investing in dreams that take hard work and effort can be its own kind of adventure. Gaze into your own imaginary crystal ball and dream up where you’d like to be in five, 10, or even 20 years. You may find it’s an exciting escape from the monotony of your current day-to-day. 

Capricorn 😓⛔🍀✨🏆

Like any good goat, you work so hard to climb to higher heights. And lately, you’ve felt downright stuck. It’s like no matter how much you push, you just can’t find that toehold that leads you to the next step. In spite of your belief that you need to work harder, the truth is none of this is your fault. Sometimes things get a bit stuck. But that stuck feeling won’t last forever. This month, you’ll get two big boosts. One comes on Sept. 12, when Jupiter, the planet of good luck and growth, stations direct in your sign. The other comes on Sept. 29, when your ruler, Saturn, who’s been sitting in your sign since 2017, finally goes direct to finish up its time with you before it moving on to Aquarius. To put it mildly, you are in the finishing stretch of what has been a very long and difficult road. Trust that the worst of it is over. But more importantly, give yourself credit for all the very hard work you’ve done. If you measure success in trophies or paychecks, you may not feel like you’ve come very far. But if you take stock of the actual work, learning, and healing you’ve done, you’ll see you’ve handled it all like an absolute champion.

Aquarius 😠🏰👀👩‍🏫💪

You will face quite a few challenging moments this month. You’re powerful in a conflict, but you crave freedom so badly that you tend to detach any time you feel stifled by your environment or those you’re with. In fact, you’re probably dreaming of running away to the mountains or locking yourself away in a tower where you can finally get some peace. As much as these fantasies may please you, it’s in your best interest to stay present as much as possible. The friction you’re facing may actually have some precious lessons to teach you. Instead of rolling your eyes at all the fools who disagree with you, imagine each of them has come to you to teach you something useful. You don’t have to agree with everyone you encounter, but if you’re willing to rearrange the way you relate to others this month, you’ll discover you’re stronger, more resilient, and can get a whole lot more done. 

Pisces 😔😨🎨💃💎

You’re a deeply sensitive soul, Pisces, and the full moon at the start of this month will put you extra in touch with your emotions. Instead of letting your emotions overwhelm you, find a creative outlet to express them. Draw, journal, sing, dance—do whatever you feel inspired to do, but make sure you let them out instead of swimming in them aimlessly. You’re not lost; you’re just plunging into the deep. Have you found some sunken treasure? Bring it to the surface. Polish it. Make it shine. Hang it on your wall and see how it makes your days sparkle.

Aries 🚧🐢😡🔥🧐

You’ve been racing full speed ahead since last month when your ruler Mars moved into your sign. This month, Mars will station retrograde in your sign on Sept. 9. Mars retrogrades are long, lasting about 70 days at a time, and they can be particularly frustrating for movers and shakers like you! But this time is also a terrific opportunity to examine how we assert ourselves and how we channel our fiery energy. If you’re coming up against roadblocks, think of them as stage directions from the universe. Where are you being encouraged to redirect your energy? Where are you discovering your approach to conflict could be refined? Are you seeking recognition blindly? Is there a way to polish your aims so that you show people more of who you are and what you have to offer? Whatever you do, don’t bang your head against the wall. Know that sometimes less is much, much more. 

Taurus 🦋🙈👏😜💞

This month your ruler Venus is moving from cozy Cancer into flashy Leo. What does that mean for you, dear Taurus? Well, it may be time to get out of the cocoon you’ve crafted for yourself and spread your wings. Let the world see what you’ve been up to. If you’re feeling hesitant or shy, examine your reasons for not wanting to step into the spotlight. Are you afraid that you won’t get credit or that you simply won’t measure up? You tend to be a workhorse, and you rarely ask for praise, but let’s face it: We all need a little applause now and then. Instead of worrying about whether or not people will cheer you on, let yourself come out and play. The world misses you. You have more adoring fans than you realize. Let them shower you with love.

Gemini 🤹🤯💻📵😌

This month you’re striving for harmony and balance, which is no small task when there are so many things calling for your attention. You may have a mile-long to-do list, or you may simply feel scattered for no apparent reason! Whatever the case, remind yourself that it’s OK to pause before plowing ahead. One thing you may struggle with is overstimulating yourself when what you really need is rest. You’ve got 22 tabs open, eight group threads, and a million unanswered emails. You may think you need to juggle them all, but the truth is, you’ll be way more effective if you put them on hold for a bit. Take a little time away from your screens and connect with your breath. Remind yourself that it’s OK to be still. The more you can make room for inner quiet this month, the more you’ll be able to tackle your tasks with grace. 

Cancer 😭⛔🎁⏳🌱

The beginning of this month may feel heavy to you. Venus has been stationed in your sign, and she’s been blessing you with some beautiful opportunities, but she’ll form an opposition to serious Saturn in Capricorn on Sept. 2. This kind of tug of war can feel particularly frustrating. No matter how sweet Venus’ offerings are, they may seem totally at odds with your long-term goals. Try not to get too fatalistic. Instead of telling yourself “I’ll never get what I want!” accept the gifts that are coming your way in the present, and trust your long-term process to unfold as it must. Good things take time! The new moon in Virgo on Sept. 17 will give you a chance to plant some new seeds. Don’t worry about what will be; just trust that you’re working with fertile soil. You don’t need to tend to those seeds constantly. Just give them a little water, some sun, and most importantly, time to grow.

Leo ❤️🤑🤗🤔👸

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and cold hard cash, is paying you a visit this month. You absolutely love to be loved, so you’ll welcome these moments of indulgence with open arms. Just make you also make time to connect with your values. Beauty can be a feather boa or a bold lip, but it can also be found in the way you live your life. All that glitters most definitely is not gold, and you deserve to enjoy the real deal, so choose your indulgences wisely. If a gorgeous outfit is what you really need to get you through the week, that’s just fine. But if you can share your bounty with others, and if you can use all the beauty, money, and inspiration that’s coming your way to authentically connect in ways that are meaningfully aligned with who you are and what you care about most, you’ll feel like absolute royalty.

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Source : https://www.dailydot.com/irl/emoji-horoscopes-september-2020/