
“This may cause some debate in the comments, but I just want to share it because it’s helped me out tremendously. Like many women married to a man, there is an unfair division of labor in our household. I was really struggling to keep up with it all, while also working full-time, and my resentment toward my husband was growing. His answer was always, ‘Just tell me and I’ll do it.’ This always led to arguments and crying and was a cycle that kept wearing me down. I eventually decided to make a cleaning chart. I simply made a daily, weekly, and monthly task list and put it up in our kitchen.”

“I didn’t assign tasks to anyone and items just get crossed off when finished. I make sure our daughters are getting into the habit of cleaning up their space, but the greatest improvement is in my husband. His workplace has always had a daily cleaning checklist and he now checks ours daily and checks off items as he finishes them. He gets “reminded” and I feel like we’re now part of a team.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/fabianabuontempo/it-literally-changed-my-life-people-are-sharing-small-life