Don’t Worry, There’s No Princess Bride Remake… Yet — Details!

There are some films so iconic that the very idea of remaking them is, in a word, inconceivable, and one such film is the 1987 classic The Princess Bride. It’s one of the most beloved films of all time, and people of a certain age can still quote it from start to finish. Yet a recent profile of TV legend Norman Lear stoked fear that a Princess Bride remake was in the works.

Here’s why people are panicking about a possible Princess Bride remake.

Aside from the fact that Hollywood seems intent on remaking or rebooting practically anything and everything, here’s what stoked fear that somebody greedy and foolish was coming for the 1987 cult classic. 

While trying to illustrate how much resonance Norman Lear’s work has with contemporary audiences, Sony exec Tony Vinciquerra alluded to unknown “very famous people” who wanted to remake The Princess Bride.

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