Unless you’re safely far away from the swirling vortex of chaos happening on Twitter right now (in which case, teach me your ways), you may have noticed a lot of Elon Musk-induced nonsense happening over verified accounts.

For a hot minute, following the rollout of “Twitter Blue” this week, verified folks were unable to change their display names. According to Twitter, this was to “minimize impersonation risks,” which, I’m not saying was a response to a bunch of people paying for a blue tick and then impersonating Elon Musk, but sure feels like a response to a bunch of people paying for a blue tick and then impersonating Elon Musk.

Twitter: @jokictasha

Well, one of the people caught in the crossfire was none other than Doja Cat — whose name was “Christmas” at the time:

Ahh, a tweet for the times:

“I don’t wanna be Christmas forever” (Doja Cat, 2022).

Thankfully, the ghoul himself took the time to respond to Doja personally:

Twitter: @elonmusk

Meaning that her Twitter name could be restored to what the universe intended:

Although there are some screenshots floating around suggesting that there was a brief alternate name for Doja before “fart”:

As for what’s going on with the Twitter verification process right now, I’m fairly sure nobody knows.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/doja-cat-elon-musk-twitter