Does Jim Bob Duggar Have Siblings? He Comes From a Much Smaller Family

Yes! He has one older sister named Deanna — but that’s it. Jim Bob’s mother, Mary, and father, James “Jimmy Lee” Duggar (who have both passed), were parents of only two children: Deanna and James Robert (aka Jim Bob).

Through the years, both Deanna and her only daughter, Amy, have been featured on the Duggar family’s various TLC series, including:17 Kids & Counting, 18 Kids & Counting, 19 Kids & Counting, and Counting On.

In 2014, Deanna was also a part of a brief special of 19 Kids & Counting called A Duggar Leaves Home, which followed Amy’s attempt to “make it” in Nashville as a vocal artist. “I know Amy has the talent, and I know she can do it,” Deanna said in support of her daughter.

Spoiler alert: A career in music never became a reality for Amy. But hey, she got to make this cute music video because of the experience. (So it wasn’t a complete waste of time.)

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