Doctors Now Believe Postpartum Depression Can Start Up To Three Years After Someone Gives Birth

Postpartum depression is a serious concern that all new parents should be worried about. While it’s normal to go through many changes and fears after your baby is born, postpartum depression can often prevent you from being the healthiest version of yourself. Now, new research proves that it can even set in up to three years after giving birth. For many parents, this news is pretty surprising.

And, that’s likely because parents may not know to screen for it at this point. Since the birth happened years prior, they may not realize their mood could be related. Depression, in general, can often be a lifelong diagnosis — so it’s important to make sure you have all the tools you need to get through it.

So, how do moms know if it’s postpartum depression or just the blues? The CDC excellently points out that “feelings of postpartum depression are more intense and last longer than those of ‘baby blues,’ a term used to describe the worry, sadness, and tiredness many women experience after having a baby,” noting that “baby blues” often disappear after just a few days.

It may take up to three years to diagnose. But even with treatment, it can take years for moms to feel normal again. It’s a big parenting price to pay that often gets overlooked.

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