Did Anthony Reeves Leave the Sway House? Here’s What You Should Know

Anthony last appeared in a TikTok clip posted by Sway House on Thursday, Apr. 18. What’s more, some of the clips he posted to his personal account evince faint signs that he might have moved out as well. 

Take a TikTok dating back to Sunday, June 14, which sees Anthony strike a few nonchalant poses to the camera while fumbling his hair. The caption reads, “tired of moving.” 

“yes i moved houses,” reads the caption of another video posted on Sunday, June 28. 

Based on his Twitter activity, it’s perhaps safe to hypothetize that Anthony has spent some time at his parents’ house before returning to Los Angeles and moving in to his new apartment. 

“WhY aReNt YoU aT sWaY?!?!? like we not allowed to visit family lol,” he tweeted on June 23. 

“also so you know i don’t have a GPS on avani or any of the Sway boys SO HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHERE THEY ARE OR WHAT THEY ARE DOING. that’s all,” he wrote a few hours later on the same day. 

On June 25, he also posted a TikTok captioned “back to la tomorrow.” 

It appears that Anthony might have left Sway House as well. He has yet to post an update concerning this decision on either of his social media pages. 

While Jaden and Josh dedicated a nine-minute long YouTube video, titled “We Left The Sway House!” to the topic, it’s uncertain whether Anthony would opt to go down on the same route or keep things private instead. 

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Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/did-anthony-leave-the-sway-house