Dad Who Nearly Died From ‘Broken Heart Syndrome’ During Pandemic Shares Warning About Stress

Richard Watkins, a family man and businessman from Ohio, is one of the countless people dealing with stressful times during this pandemic.

The auto parts manufacturer for which he’s an executive is facing a shutdown and had to lay off hundreds of employees.

He and his wife have been homeschooling their two sons, and they say it hasn’t been easy.

And in the midst of it all, Richard’s beloved 91-year-old father passed away.

On the morning of his dad’s funeral, Richard told his wife he wasn’t feeling well. His back tightened and his arms went numb.

“I just kind of put my head down on the kitchen table and that was it, I was out,” he told Inside Edition. “My heart actually stopped beating.”

The 64-year-old had no prior heart problems.

Richard’s wife witnessed the terrifying moment she saw her husband turn blue and flatline.

Doctors initially thought he had suffered a heart attack, but his arteries weren’t blocked.

As it turns out, Richard was frighteningly close to literally dying from a broken heart …

Now he’s sharing his story to warn others about the importance of stress management, especially during these particularly trying times.

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