If any movie deserves the title “cult classic,” it’s Blast From the Past. It’s weird, it’s wonderful, it’s hilarious. It features Brendan Fraser at his ’90s best and Sissy Spacek being her ever delightful self. Need I say more?

The Plot: During the Cuban Missile Crisis, scientist Calvin and his wife, Helen, decide the world is ending and it’s time to live in their fallout shelter. They have a son named Adam who spends the first 35 years of his life underground. (I promise this isn’t a horror movie.) After deciding the world should be safe enough, Calvin and Helen send Adam to the world above to bring back supplies and, hopefully, a wife. Once he leaves the shelter, Adam meets Eve, a sarcastic, but caring woman, and falls madly in love. Although skeptical at first, Eve starts to fall in love with Adam. However, along the way, there are plenty of comedic circumstances that keep the lovebirds apart.

Released: 1999

Starring: Alicia Silvestone, Brendan Fraser, Christopher Walken, & Sissy Spacek

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/modernsuffragette/cult-classic-movies