
“It was our end-of-8th-grade field trip, and we were on a campground owned by a church. We were free to explore the land. There was a small river with a wide pebble beach and there were lizards running over the pebbles to different areas of brush growing on the beach. I liked trying to catch lizards, so I started chasing them. With my hands extended almost touching the lizard, I followed one until it crawled across something that wasn’t pebbles or branches — it was short fur. I recoiled in an instant, and stepped back. The lizard had crawled onto a goat carcass that was half-buried in the sand. There was a pentagram carved into its forehead, and its eyes were milky white.”

 “There were a lot of partially burned sticks nearby, but weirdly the goat carcass hadn’t started to stink yet. It was probably some teenagers messing around, trying to summon satan or whatever, but it was an incredible moment of shock. I only realized what was happening when my hands were inches away from the dead carcass.” —u/momunist

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/pernellquilon/creepy-daytime-experiences