In a now-viral video, a woman revealed that her fiancé put his speeding ticket on their wedding registry. Did anyone pay for it? Read on to find out!

Allison DeGrushe - Author
TikTok creator @imthatgurlneb revealed that her fiancé put his speeding ticket on their wedding registry.
Source: TikTok / @imthatgurlneb

There are plenty of unique items that couples can put on their wedding registry, such as a honeymoon or house fund, charity donations, or even the Succession Complete Scripts Bundle (hint hint). However, this funny twosome on social media took “unique items” to a whole different level.

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In October 2023, TikTok creator Annabelle (@imthatgurlneb) hilariously revealed that her soon-to-be-husband, James, put his speeding ticket on their wedding registry. While that’s very unconventional, we can’t help but wonder: Did anyone pay it off?! Keep reading for all the known details.

Plus, stick around to hear what the internet has to say about James’s decision.

A ticket on someone's car windshield.
Source: Getty Images

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This hilarious couple put a speeding ticket on their wedding registry.

The text overlay on the video reads, “Wedding in 26 days, timing couldn’t be better,” as Annabelle’s fiancé, James, sits in front of his computer with his speeding ticket in his hand. Annabelle then shoves her camera toward the computer screen, which shows “James’s Speeding Ticket Fund, $231” on their wedding registry.

James clicks on the ticket fund, and it takes him to a “Gift Details” section where he can add a note for the guests to read. He simply writes, “PLEASE HELP!” before the video ends. Yeah, that’s relatable AF.

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“@The Knot, can we add the state of Oklahoma to our registry? Feel free to support James in his down bad era on the Knot at Annabelle and James’s Wedding Registry,” Annabelle added in the caption. Ugh — poor guy!

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As of this writing, Annabelle’s amusing video has garnered more than 329,000 views and received 70 comments from many fellow TikTokers offering to donate to “James’s Speeding Ticket Fund.”

“I will donate for the plot,” reads the top comment. “What’s the link?”

One user said, “Now this is a wedding gift I can get behind.”

“This must be a canon event bc this happened to my husband,” a second TikTok user joked.

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TikToker uses wedding gift registry to pay speeding ticket
Source: TikTok / @emi11111111y

Another person wrote, “If I donate, can I come to the wedding?” We hope they got that last-minute invite!

“This is f—— hysterical, and his groomsmen should pitch in together as a group gift,” a fourth TikTok user pointed out, and honestly? We think that’s a really great idea!

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Some people thought James got summoned for jury duty, with one TikToker writing, “I legit thought he got served jury duty, and it was set for your wedding day (like a weekday wedding). Speeding ticket is better, I guess.”

“My sister got selected for jury duty, and the date is a day before her wedding,” another person revealed. “Luckily, she got it rescheduled bc we won’t be in the state that time.” OK, yes, we love that for her!

TikToker uses wedding gift registry to pay speeding ticket
Source: TikTok / @jabeita21

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Others shared similar experiences: “My husband got a speeding ticket while we were on the way to the courthouse for our marriage license,” one TikTok user disclosed. Well, that’s one way to make the experience memorable!

“Bruh, I totaled my car the day I bought the ring,” another person added.

Someone else disclosed, “My best friend got suspended for a month from work the day after he proposed. Life always finds a crazy way to keep things interesting.” Very interesting, indeed!
