Couple In Recovery Posts Before-And-After Photos To Inspire Others Struggling With Addiction

Today, Brent and Ashley Walker are a smiling, sober couple. Three years ago, they were struggling with meth addiction, fighting all the time, and Brent was in and out of jail on drug-related crimes. When Brent decided to post the couple’s photos showing their past and present, he wanted it to serve as inspiration for at least one person.

“There’s hope. You don’t have to live that life forever,” Brent said. “Your dreams can be possible. You just have to wake up,” said his wife, Ashley. The Tennessee couple vowed on New Year’s Eve 2016 never to use drugs again. Brent and Ashley are now sober and working on buying a home and rebuilding their family. While they embark on their lifelong journey of recovery, they empathize with the people who are where they were in their “before” photos. They want people struggling with addictions to see what’s possible through recovery.

“I work in the ICU at a hospital, and I see overdoses coming in constantly, or people going through withdrawals, and it really breaks my heart knowing that I’m on this side, and knowing they can have a better life,” Ashley said.

“It’s not an easy road. It’s a very hard road. But once you get past your year mark, it’s been like blessing after blessing, and happiness all the time,” said Brent.

Watch the video to see the inspiring results of this couple’s long, difficult recovery.

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