
“My ex was toxic so my current boyfriend is wondering why I’m so amazed by the bare minimum.”

1) I can say no without any punishment. 

2) He listens if I tell him what bothers me. 

3) He gives constant updates in between hectic schedules. 

4) Consistency. 

5) He doesn’t take me as a competition. 

6) No manipulation and takes accountability for his mistakes. 

7) Completely understands my mental illnesses. 

8) Doesn’t compliment other women (except celebrities). 

9) Doesn’t entertain other women. 

10) Accepts and loves my flaws. I could go on and on but these are the things that stood out for me because those are also my major issues with my ex.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ravenishak/healthy-relationship-characteristics-signs