Can You Sleep In Your Contact Lenses? Doctor Shares Graphic Warning

If a follow-up post, Vollmer explains that the eye is green because of “the fluorescein dye that is instilled in the eye.” That dye collects in the site of the ulcer. 

He also explains that this case only took 36 hours to develop. “This patient presented to urgent care on Tuesday afternoon and was noted to have a ‘small ulcer,’ Vollmer wrote. “I examined her the following day (photos above) with a massive ulcer and vision that was reduced to light perception only.”

The comments on the post were full of people who had developed infections sleeping with their contacts lenses in.

“I don’t know about this but i have wore contacts for over 20 years and I used to sleep in mine every night for months,” one user wrote. “I got an infection about 3 years ago. My eyes itched. Couldnt stand for contact to be in. Had to wear old glasses until I could get new ones. It was several months before I could wear contacts again.”

Another added: “I used to sleep in mine all the time, I ended up with an ulcer, fortunately it wasn’t pseudomonas. I had to wake up every hour for 2 days to put drops in my eye, then every 2 hours for 2 days. Now, I won’t even wear my contacts for a 12 hours shift.” 

Lesson learned. 

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