Brother Ibrāhīm’s life underwent a profound transformation after recurring dreams conveyed a message to him: “Instruct your followers to wear white attire.” Initially, he didn’t pay much attention to it and dismissed it as ‘just a dream’ due to its association with Muslims. However, the dream persisted, becoming increasingly insistent until the voice finally demanded, “Now tell your men!”

This year, Brother Ibrāhīm undertook the Ḥajj pilgrimage, where he, along with millions of other Muslims, wore the Iḥrām, which is white in color. During his visit to Jabal an-Nūr (Mountain of the Light), he expressed the following heartfelt sentiment:

“I will follow in the footsteps Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ, firmly believing that by doing so, millions of my people in South Africa will follow these footsteps to see the light.”