Brave Firefighter Crawls Across Frozen Lake To Rescue Terrified Dog Trapped In Icy Water

South Metro Fire Rescue is advising dog owners to keep their dogs leashed after another dog had to be rescued from a frozen lake. Rescue crews were called in after a dog fell into the icy waters of a lake in Denver, Colorado.

Onlookers called 911 before the incident even occurred. They feared that someone would try to go onto the thin ice and save the dog who was on it. The dog’s owner did not attempt to rescue the dog when it fell through, and firefighters are grateful he waited for rescuers to arrive.

They urge residents to call the proper authorities when incidents like this happen, as they have the equipment to handle the situation. Owners sometimes attempt to rescue their animals, putting themselves at risk and making work harder for the rescue crews.

The firefighters who pulled off this quick rescue are sadly not strangers to these sorts of situations. Just weeks earlier, they rescued a dog after a similar situation transpired on a frozen lake at another park, explains CBS 4 Denver. In that situation, the owners did go out on the ice but did not fall through themselves. The dog was also off-leash during the incident.

These incidents should serve as a reminder to dog owners. Not only is it important to keep dogs leashed while at parks, but also make sure they stay off icy surfaces. No matter how thick the ice might look, the risk to yourself and your pet simply isn’t worth it.

Watch the video to see the harrowing rescue for yourself!

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