Brave 5-Year-Old Protects Mom From Home Invasion When 4 Gunmen Storm Into Their Kitchen

This is a truly terrifying crime captured on home security footage.

Tamika and her kids were at their home in South Bend, Indiana, doing their usual morning routine to get their day started.

Tamika was ironing, getting the kids ready… when she suddenly heard a commotion, and loud banging sounds, coming in the kitchen.

“What is that?” the confused mom called out.

The terrifying reality was that four men, wearing hoodies and holding guns, had just burst into the family’s home — as shots rang out.

All Tamika could think of was her kids, who were downstairs with her when the shots were fired.

Then her five-year-old son, David, did something so brave — he tried to protect his mother from the armed intruders.

David started hurling every toy he could at them, hitting them with his trucks and trying to keep the men away from Tamika.

Thankfully, no one was injured and the gunmen fled without stealing or harming anything.

Now the family is desperate for answers as to why this happened, and who those men were.

” … no little boy, nobody in general should have to go through something like this so it’s really important we get those who are responsible for this heinous crime off the streets,” the local police said in a statement.

Watch the video below to see why this little boy is being called a hero.

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