Baby Cool Is ’90 Day Fiancé’s Newest up and Coming Rapper — Details

Biniyam revealed that he only started his music career recently, which is evident by the few lines he raps while recording in his friend’s studio on the show. The one song is a far cry from the love ballads Usman allegedly wrote for Lisa on 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days. But, at the very least, Biniyam’s heart is in the right place.

His Instagram doesn’t feature any of his music, however, which could mean Baby Cool is still working on getting his name out there and finding his sound. Biniyam’s Instagram bio says he is a martial artist, dancer, choreographer, gymnast, artist, personal trainer, and TV personality. That last one is a little suspect, especially given his intentions for being with Ariela, but music doesn’t seem to be high on his agenda either way.

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