Alex Trebek Shares Health Update With Fans, Revealing His Cancer Is Now In ‘Near Remission’

Fans of longtime Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek were incredibly saddened by his cancer diagnosis a few months ago. Alex announced he was battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer on the air in March. While the outlook for advanced stage pancreatic cancer is usually bleak due to a low survival rate, Alex spoke with determination about fighting for his life. Now, he appears to be winning that battle.

Alex shared that his doctors believe his cancer is “near remission.” He told People, “It’s kind of mind-boggling. The doctors said they hadn’t seen this kind of positive result in their memory […] some of the tumors have already shrunk by more than 50 percent.”

Alex has been undergoing chemotherapy, which he seems to be responding well to. He still has several more rounds of treatment to go but hopes that it will put him into full remission. He’s been open about how the chemo has affected him, including bouts of depression. This news, however, gives him hope. When he learned the news of his progress, the tears came. “But they were tears of joy, not tears of depression,” noted the game show host.

Alex also credits the outpouring of love and support from his fans as helping him through his recovery.

“I’ve got a couple million people out there who have expressed their good thoughts, their positive energy directed towards me and their prayers,” he said. “I told the doctors, this has to be more than just the chemo, and they agreed it could very well be an important part of this.”

We’re so happy to hear Alex’s good news!

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