
“Relax more. Don’t get angry over little things.”


“This! The real lesson is to accept that things won’t always go the way you want them to, and that’s ok.

Didn’t marry your perfect spouse? That person doesn’t exist — align expectations to reality and appreciate those who love you for who they are. Or find new people.

Didn’t buy the perfect car? Oh, well, it still gets you where you’re going. Define your criteria for the next one and work toward it.

Didn’t get the perfect house? Probably not. But it’s yours, and you can fix it.

Didn’t get that promotion? Don’t be so sure it would have worked out the way you think it would have.

Vacation wasn’t perfect? Are you sure about that, or were your expectations too high?

Point is, relax, enjoy the ride, work to your goals, but remember none of it matters if you can’t enjoy it along the way.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mikespohr/people-over-40-advise-twentysomethings