According to history, in 1295, Baidu Khan started a rebellion against Gehatu Khan and killed Gehatu Khan as part of a conspiracy. After Gehatu Khan’s death Baidu Khan became the king of Ul Khanan Empire and ruled for three years. In 1298, Baidu Khan was also killed in a conspiracy and in his place Ghazan Khan became the new king of Al Khanan Empire. During the reign of Ghazan Khan, the Mongol Empire was nearing its end. In 1298, Ghazan Khan made Sultan Masoud II of the Seljuk Empire a prisoner and replaced him with Alauddin Kaykobad III as the ruler of the Seljuk Empire.In 1302, Ghazan Khan hanged Alauddin Kikubad III and restored Sultan Masoud to the throne. The reign of Sultan Masood lasted until the end of Ghazan Khan’s reign (1307).
Now let’s not say Gehatu will come in season 4 because he died in 1295. Now, if any Mongol ruler will appear in Season 4, it will be Ghazan Khan, who sent Mongol troops to help Emperor Andronkos Phleges II in the wars of 1302 (Baphios) and 1303 (Dambos).

Zain Alabdeen ❤️🖋️