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The Potentially Deadly Mistake People Make When Returning From Vacation

The Potentially Deadly Mistake People Make When Returning From Vacation

Whether you’re walking around Disney World, swimming in the ocean or taking a mountain trip, it’s needless to say that many vacations — while tons of fun — can also be tiresome. After packing in as much as possible on your days off, exhaustion may set in as you rush back home to prepare for going back to work or school. 

It’s important to be aware of a danger that comes with this: drowsy driving. Defined as driving while sleepy, it’s more common than you think. According to a Centers for Disease Control survey, about 1 in 25 adult drivers reported falling asleep while driving within the past 30 days. 

According to a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 21% of fatal crashes involved a drowsy driver. So, while you may feel like you’re in control and can keep yourself awake, remember that probably everyone in that situation also felt the same.

Tiredness can affect your mind and ability to drive in a slew of ways, too, so there’s no one way in which an accident will happen. According to Susan Miller, a lead researcher and certified sleep expert at SleepMattressHQ.com, being sleepy can impair your judgment and decision-making, reduce awareness of your surroundings (from cars to road conditions to traffic signals), and affect your coordination, balance and fine motor skills.

“Even a momentary lapse of attention can be dangerous while driving, so prioritizing safety is important,” she added.

Jeff Kahn, a sleep expert and the CEO and co-founder of Rise Science, agreed. “Microsleeps, in particular, are a cause for alarm, as they can last only a few seconds and occur unknowingly,” he said. “While this might not seem like much, on a highway traveling at 65 miles per hour, those seconds can mean the difference between life and death.”

Further, the dangers of driving while sleepy are often compared to the dangers of driving drunk. Kahn said 24 hours worth of sleep deprivation — at once, or accumulated over time — results in the same cognitive impairment equivalent as a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.10%, which is higher than the legal limit. And again, he added, it’s unsafe to drive even before you reach that point.

He pointed to the concept of “sleep debt,” or not getting enough sleep cumulatively. “If you regularly miss an hour of sleep for 10 consecutive nights, your cognitive impairment can be as severe as if you hadn’t slept for 24 hours straight,” he explained.

When Drowsy Driving Is Most Likely To Occur

One of the two time ranges when this occurs may surprise you. According to the Department of Health of New York State, most sleep-related crashes occur between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m., and 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. So yes, driving in the early morning isn’t a great idea, but that “afternoon slump” period isn’t either. 

This is when bodies are typically the most tired. “Importantly, these are the times when you’re biologically-inclined to be more drowsy, thanks to the peaks and dips of your circadian rhythm (your internal body clock),” Kahn said. “Your circadian energy dips will happen regardless if you had enough sleep or not, but sleep deprivation will make you feel drowsier at these times than you otherwise would.”

Unfortunately, many factors can contribute to this, though some may be more common than others. Here are a few of the most common ones:

Not getting enough solid sleep on your vacation

“One of the biggest contributors to drowsy driving is sleep deprivation,” Miller said. “This can lead to difficulty concentrating, slower reaction times and even falling asleep at the wheel.”

While the amount of sleep each person needs will vary, most adults need seven to nine hours a night, she added. (BTW, “junk sleep,” or low-quality sleep, doesn’t count.)

A sleep disorder

A bigger sleeping issue may be going on, so checking with a doctor is smart. “Some disorders, like obstructive sleep apnea, cause low-quality sleep as sleep is often interrupted or restricted, thus low-quality and less restorative,” said Nicole Eichelberger, a sleep expert at Mattressive.

What’s even scarier is that it’s not always noticeable. “Unfortunately, most people who suffer from sleep disorders are unaware,” she continued. “Therefore, it is essential to seek medical help if you notice excessive daytime sleepiness.”

Medications or alcohol

Miller also listed alcohol and medications, such as antihistamines or benzodiazepines, as contributors to drowsiness and impaired cognitive function. So if you’re enjoying a few cocktails by the pool, for example, be cognizant of this.

“Even small amounts of alcohol and certain drugs can cause drowsiness, poor coordination and slower reaction times, making driving dangerous,” she said. To avoid this, Eichelberger urged reading the side effects listed on the medicines you take, and to avoid driving if drowsiness is listed.

When and how long you’re driving

The time of day and distance matter, too. Many of us road trip to our vacation destinations and often power through the drive in order to get there or get home.

“Driving overnight (which can be tempting to avoid traffic) increases the risk of experiencing sleepiness, even if you think you are well-rested,” said Holly Milling, a clinical psychologist, behavioral sleep medicine specialist and director of The Sleep Practice. “Driving for long periods of time, at any time of day, is also tiring, and driving without a break can increase vulnerability to sleepiness.”

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleybroadwater/dangers-drowsy-driving-vacation-7493320