6 Easy Ways To Stay On-Track With Your Health Goals While You’re On Vacation This Summer

It’s August, and we’re all trying to pack in as much fun as we can before fall. And that means vacay! But taking a break from work mean you have to also take a vacation from your health and fitness goals. It can be a little trickier to stay on track when you’re traveling and want to enjoy every minute of your vacation as you see, experience, and taste new things, but it’s not impossible. With a bit of foresight and armed with the right tools, you can absolutely stay on-track with your health goals while on vacation this summer.

Become an active traveler. It’s totally understandable if you want to sleep in as often as possible on vacation or take the occasional afternoon nap, but don’t waste entire days away lounging and being sedentary. Get out and see your destination on foot (or bicycle)! It truly is the best way to experience a new place, especially a city. If your travels have taken you to the beach or the mountains, take advantage of the natural landscape and be sure you get in plenty of swimming or hiking. Try to achieve a balance between activity and restfulness, so that you go home feeling refreshed instead of heavy, bloated, and lethargic.

Keep track of your food. Keeping track of what you eat can help you avoid overeating, even on vacation. Of course, you should allow yourself some indulgences — nobody should be burdened by a strict diet on vacation — but using a helpful program like one offered by Noom to log your meals and snacks can help you from going overboard with treats and junk food so that you don’t return home from your vacation full…of regret.

Eat breakfast in your room or rental. When you arrive in your destination, find a grocery store and grab some healthy breakfast options for the week. You can keep things like fruit, yogurt, and store-bought hard-boiled eggs in the fridge of your hotel room or rental home so that you have a bit more control of at least one meal a day. By ensuring that you’re getting in some healthy foods and controlling your calorie intake, you can feel free to indulge in all the delicious fries and ice cream that you’re sure to be tempted by when you’re traveling.

Use the hotel fitness center. Chances are if you’re on vacation, there’s someone else around to keep an eye on your kiddos while you get in a quick workout. Take advantage of the hotel fitness center for a quick workout or bring your yoga mat and practice in your room (or on that sweet balcony) first thing in the morning or before you go to bed at night. If you’re staying in a rental, lace up and go for a jog around the neighborhood. Even just 20 or 30 minutes a couple times during the week, will help offset the change in your usual routine and help keep you on track. Pro tip: Noom offers 24/7 virtual coaches who can provide quick, easy fitness routines that you can fit into your vacation schedule and do on your own time.

Try something new. Do a little bit of research and find out what kind of active excursions and tours are available in your destination. For example, you might be able to try stand-up paddle boarding for the first time or take a running tour of the city’s historic center. You could plan a fun family trip to an adventure course, go kayaking, or take a surfing class. Instead of just shopping and dining the whole week, pick two or three activities that will challenge your body.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/stay-on-track-with-your-health-goals-this-summer/