Owner Bruce Boone originally made bike parts in titanium. This caused him to make a titanium ring for himself, and then everyone else wanted one as well! The shop is located in Kennesaw, Georgia, and is full of one-of-a-kind pieces worth investing in. 

I know from experience…I bought one for my husband’s birthday years ago and he still uses it to this day! I got the first-generation version and can’t believe how often he finds ways to use it (the GIF above is him opening a package with his ring). I highly recommend getting this as a gift or for yourself!

Promising review:Bruce is really an artist engineer. One has to personally handle his creations to understand the high-end engineering effort that goes into these functional pieces of artistic expression. This is my third titanium ring from Bruce and, I can tell you, his rings are unparalleled in their quality and workmanship, despite the difficulty of working with titanium. I have used the first generation Man Ring on my treks and found it to be very useful in cutting open thick MRE packs — I remember the look on my trek buddy’s face when I showed him the Man Ring, and all of a sudden his six-layer SAK was no longer the coolest multitool around! And this is true for all of Bruce’s rings — each one of a kind; each top of its class…I’m actually having a hard time deciding my next ring from his atelier!” —Calvin Thomas

Get it from Boone Rings on Etsy for $395+ (available in sizes 3.5–16 and with or without engraving).

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/malloryannp/one-year-anniversary-gifts