5-Year-Old Girl Makes ‘Blessing Bags’ Full Of Supplies To Give To Homeless People


Tynslee Blue may be only 5 years old, but she’s already shown empathy and wisdom beyond her years. Tynslee lives in Northern Alabama. While she’s out and about with her mother, Tynslee occasionally sees homeless people. One night, Tynslee’s mom’s fiancé brought a plate to a homeless man after spotting him on his way home. The family returned to bring him a blanket, which he thanked them for. Tynslee wanted to do more, however.

Tynslee began contributing her allowance to supplement the family’s purchases of items for the homeless in their community. There aren’t many programs or services available to help the homeless, so the family felt inclined to step in. Haley Bennett, Tynslee’s mom, helped her evolve the “blessing bags” into something bigger. She now drives Tynslee, her 2-year-old sister, and their 3-year-old cousin and to a local park with a large transient community to hand out the bags.

The little girl fills the bags with whatever she finds that she thinks could help. That means food, clothing, tissues, napkins, sanitary items, books, and more. The recipients are shocked and humbled by her help. “They’re shocked,” Haley said. “They weren’t expecting a 5-year-old to walk up and say, ‘I just wanted to give this to you.”’

When you ask Tynslee why she does this, she gives a heartwarming answer. “Cause they don’t have nobody to do it for them,” she replied. Helping also makes her feel good. “I feel inside of my body happy,” she noted with a smile. You can follow Tynslee’s work and contribute by checking out the Little Heros for the Homeless Facebook page.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/5-year-old-blessing-bags-homeless/