“I have SoapStandles all over the house — try it at a sink, too — you may be surprised how much you like it. The bar lasts longer.” —jimmygould, from this collection of things those of us at BuzzFeed have tried and loved 

And here’s my review: 

If you like or use bar soap, I’ll go ahead and say it: you need the Soap Standle, and probably more than one! Made from sturdy, infinitely reusable plastic, it puts every soap dish I’ve ever seen to shame. The top has pointy teeth that easily insert into your bar, then stay stuck there until your bar’s down to the tiniest nub. The bottom has several waves in the plastic, perfectly designed so your bar of soap will sit neatly on the counter but have enough airflow in the gaps between the waves that the bottom of the bar easily dries out between uses and never gets mushy or gross!

It’s not bulky, so the bar looks pretty sitting next to your sink or on the shelf in your shower. I’ve used three of them since I got them in June — one with hand soap, and two with my favorite shampoo and conditioner bars — and have zero complaints. I just put the bars with the Standles directly on the counter and shelf, and both surfaces have stayed perfectly clean. I 100% agree with the 1,445 other people who have rated this 5 stars on Amazon, this product is such a game changer and a problem solver!

P.S. Bar soap is perfect if you’re looking to reduce the amount of non-reusable plastic in your life, and these make it much more practical!”

Get a pack of two from Amazon for $12.99 (available in four colors and four pack sizes). 

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/nataliebrown/things-buzzfeed-readers-actually-love