It’s also much more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than wine wands or other competitors — a single bottle of this can treat up to 55 glasses of wine, as opposed to wands that can only do a few glasses each before they get tossed. Drop It recommends 1–2 drops for each glass of white wine, 2–3 for a glass of red, and 7–9 if you’re treating the whole bottle at once. Once it’s in the glass, swirl it lightly for 20 seconds, and you should be raring to go!

Promising review: “I ordered this product after seeing it on TikTok with further investigation. And I must say it does work. I love sweet wine but will always get a headache the next morning (one glass). After using, I did not have one the next morning 😊.” —Theresa B. 

Get it from Amazon for $13.99.
