
A tat of their partner’s name when they’re still with them, especially if it’s prominent, and ESPECIALLY if their partner doesn’t also have one.

“My coworker married another coworker. Prior to that wedding, he asked her to prove to her how much she loved him. So she got a tattoo on her neck with his last name on it. BIG artistic letters.

Now, mind you, this man is a douchebag and a half, and they have ‘issues’ in their marriage…that tattoo just proves how much self-love she had for HERSELF, which is absolutely zero.

SO seeing their partner’s name on a very clearly visible area while the partner does not have any tattoos is a major red flag.”


“I 100% agree, a partner asking you to ‘prove your love’ by basically branding yourself off from the rest of the world — and scaring off any further romantic partners — should be illegal, in my opinion. i feel like there should be some obligation of the tattoo artist to decide something is amiss there if one person is permanently altering themselves and the other is demanding it. like pulling the client aside with the abuser outside of the room, and asking if everything is okay at home.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/red-flag-tattoos