
“My mother-in-law shared the news before we could. We eloped and didn’t tell anyone until 30 minutes before. We only told immediate family right before, with very clear directions not to share with anyone yet. We got married in the evening, turned our phones off, and in the morning woke up to messages from all of the in-laws like aunts, uncles, and cousins. We had originally planned to do a social post within a couple of days, but because she shared our news, we opted not to at all. My family waited until I gave the go-ahead to share it with others (to the point my little sister told me that my dad was having a really hard time not sharing it with his brother/my uncle, but he knew it wasn’t his news to share, so he didn’t). At least we know who gets any other big news last now.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mayaogolini/brides-share-bad-wedding-stories