
And finally, millennials are clearly the first and only generation to do any of these things.

“My wife went to a generational differences seminar where they discussed basically how to co-exist with your co-workers decades older or younger than you to work effectively.

The presenter read an article, and it said, ‘The current workforce fears the incoming generation will enter the workforce feeling entitled, demanding a higher wage, with a work-life balance.’ The presenter then went on to ask, ‘Can anyone guess which generation they were referring to?’ Pretty much the entire room said ‘millennials’ with much disdain.

The presenter corrected them and said, ‘Actually the article I just read was from 1948.’

Turns out people will always hate the incoming generation, forever, guaranteed.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/boomers-blaming-millennials-for-everything