31 Baseball GIFs In Honor Of The Classic Bat-And-Ball Game

March may bring basketball madness and a crapton of pollen, but guess what? April is upon us and that means we’ve now got baseball and an even bigger crapton of even more pollen. Yes, we’re now four months into 2019 and a full twenty months away from a stressful election that could determine the fate of the universe, but let’s not think about that. Because it’s the Monday after opening weekend for fans of the ol’ bat-and-ball and you know what that means…gifs, gifs, and more gifs.

If you are thinking of buying some peanuts and crackerjack, we’ve got gifs that go right along with that and also the questionable meat dog in your warm fluffy bun and the giant 128oz beer quickly warming in your hand. We’re talking nut shots, fights, and crazy fans.

If you’re new to Funny Or Die, each week, we scour the darkest depths of the internet to bring you GIFs that give you that sliver of joy that keeps you going on for another week. Like a soccer mom’s minivan, we’ve got everything you could possibly need in one long vehicle that rides real smooth and helps you be super cool.

And thus, from the northwest corner of our hearts, we hope you enjoy this fresh fresh set of our favorite baseball gifs.

Source : https://www.funnyordie.com/2019/4/1/18287744/21-baseball-gifs-honor-classic-bat-ball-game