
“It’s wild just how much people are open to suggestion. When you figure out these little cues, you can pretty much make anybody do whatever you want.”

“I remember the move I was taught [as a car salesperson] was get them in the car to go for a test drive. Have them pull up to the front door, and then get out of the car and just walk inside matter of factly and sit at the table. They’ll follow you in without question.

Then you say, ‘I’m going to go find out how much it’s going to cost for you to take this car home today.’ Very few protest, and usually it can be done anyway.

Then you bring them the paper, tell them the terms, and say, ‘so go ahead and sign right here that if we can make this deal happen you’ll buy this car right now.’ Hold the pen out, nod your head, and don’t say a fucking word until they do. Sometimes they’ll say ‘I can’t afford that.’ Then you just say, ‘what’s the price you could afford? We’ll put it on this paper and you sign right here. If we can make it work, you can drive it home today.’ Hold the pen out, nod your head, and don’t say a fucking word. Once you’ve got them to put the pen to paper, they’ve committed to buying a car. It’s an easy close after that.”


“This works, and can be used against them when negotiating! I once had the finance person (the ACTUAL salesperson/closer) give me the runaround on fees, warranty, financing, etc. I told him ‘I agreed to pay $X, and that’s what I’ll pay.’ He fiddled on his computer, tried to say how we’re so close, and we can get there if we change this term or that price. I sat silent for 4 minutes, just staring at him, no response. Got my price and terms, signed the paperwork, and drive out without paying the extra $1700 he wanted to charge.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/psychological-tricks-that-are-low-key-useful