
And that there are obviously downsides to being “pretty,” particularly as a woman.

“Being pretty and thin can also work against women, though. My sister has a very high-level job and being thin and pretty has made things extremely difficult for her at times, in ways it would not if she were a man. Other women are often awful to her, male colleagues hit on her — especially married men. My sister was a Fulbright Scholar, among other accomplishments, which is not an honor awarded based on appearance.”


“I could be considered conventionally attractive (particularly in my 20s) and women at work always assumed I was flirting with the men, retail jobs early in adulthood I used to get creeps hitting on me and making me uncomfortable all the time. Older people at work would talk down to me and assume I didn’t know how to do something or have experience because they thought I was younger than I am.”


“‘She’s too dumb,’ ‘She just got the position because she’s probably f*ing the boss’…Not to count scenes of jealousy: ‘I won’t let my wife/husband talk to you.'”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/pretty-and-thin-privilege-stories