
“I dated my ex for almost five years — all throughout college and about six months after. It was a pretty small college community, and I always heard rumblings of him cheating, but it was always unfounded. I’d ask him or friends about it, and he would always gaslight me and call me ‘crazy.’ I stayed with him because it was the only consistent thing I felt during that time. After we broke up, I moved away and came back to visit our home town for Christmas. We shared the same group of friends, and I went out with all of them for drinks one night. One of them told me that they couldn’t believe how strong I was to stay with him after everything he’d done, and several nodded along with him. I was dumbfounded and confused.”

“My friends went on to reveal that he had cheated on me multiple times with multiple women, especially after leaving the bar before coming home to meet me before I turned 21, and also when I went to Washington, DC for an internship. They later told me that once our friends found out, he told them to not bring it up to me because we were ‘working it out in therapy’ and ‘it was a sore subject for me,’ although I never knew a single thing. He was saving face in order to placate me and keep our friends. To this day, I’m not sure the amount of times that he cheated or how I never fully suspected it, but after hearing all the stories, I knew he had. Specifically, one year on spring break, I had too much to drink and went to take a nap. Later, I found out that a girl who had given me red flags from the beginning had invited him to her room and they had a little fun. His current girlfriend was also at lunch with me after I found all of this out. Hope he has changed!”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahdobro/cheating-in-relationships