
“The whole wedding day, my ex-husband barely paid attention to me. He was focused on his friends instead! At the end of the night, I tried to tug him away so we could go enjoy our hotel room, and he actually grew enraged! He yelled in front of a few people that I was ‘tearing him away from his friends.’ On a night that was supposed to be about our love, he was angry that I wanted to be intimate with him.”

“Sure enough, throughout our marriage I was just a pretty accessory to him, not a person. He actually told me explicitly, more than once, that he didn’t care whether I was happy or healthy. When I grew so depressed during lockdown that I couldn’t get out of bed, he berated me about letting myself go and often compared me to his friends’ girlfriends. It explained what I saw on our wedding day: He was focused on his friends because he was getting married to impress them. It didn’t matter to whom.”

—28, Washington, DC

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/divorced-people-signs-marriage-wont-last