Check out a TikTok of the Ninja Creami in action. 

All they have to do to create a delicious snack is put their favorite foods into the containers and freeze them. After 24 hours in the freezer, they hook it up, select the appropriate preset, and *boom* they’ll have frozen deliciousness. Bonus, the containers, lids, and paddle are top-rack dishwasher safe.

As a wannabe fitness girly, I have started paying a bit more attention to the foods I eat, specifically in terms of how much protein I eat. I find it to be somewhat difficult to consume my full day’s worth of protein, and I am not a huge fan of protein bars or protein shakes. I decided to give this thing a try after seeing it literally all over TikTok and how people were making lower calorie protein ice cream in it. The TikTok influencers are *not* lying, you should absolutely get this thing. It comes with little pints, you mix up all your ingredients, pop it in the freezer for 24 hours and then put it in the machine. It legit makes a delicious treat with such a  ~creamy~ texture. I have found my best recipe so far is a vanilla protein shake, a little bit of sugar-free pudding mix (the fats in it help the texture…at least that’s what the Internet told me, so obvi I believe it), and a dash of vanilla extract. Once that’s all mixed, I’ll throw in some Oreos or M&Ms to have myself a high protein version of a McFlurry. You can also make delicious smoothie bowls, sorbets, milkshakes, and more. I definitely imagine I’ll be using it even more often in the summer when it’s hot and I want something cold and refreshing. 

Promising review: “Everyone needs a Ninja Creami. We love ours! I have made cherry, banana, raspberry, and blueberry sorbets plus churro and chocolate ice cream. The recipe book is full of easy-to-make recipes. Easy to clean and simple to use. Just push a button and then a minute later you have ice cream!” —julie krueger

Price: $199.99
