Two hours and 50 minutes to be exact. This isn’t uncommon for the first cut of a movie, but Everything Everywhere editor, Paul Rogers, offered some insight into how he whittled down the runtime:

“In general, I think there are a lot of moments where you’re thinking, ‘God, this moment is so good, but it doesn’t service the film.’ Maybe it slows it down, maybe it hints at another narrative between two characters but you just don’t deliver on it later, or you can’t because you don’t have the footage or that just complicates the film in an unnecessary way.

We had this one scene with Jamie Lee Curtis and in this scene she was incredible. She was so compelling and mesmerizing to watch, but I kept struggling with this scene and it took us like five or six months to eventually say ‘Gosh, what if Jamie Lee wasn’t in the scene. Can we just try it?’

It’s this really intense scene and all of a sudden it becomes this weird existential crisis/comedy tragedy scene with her character and it’s a little ping pong back and forth between these two places. So we just took it into After Effects and did a rough job cutting her out because she’s in all the shots and we realized it’s feasible, so let’s give it a shot, and then all of a sudden it unlocked the scene.”
