25 Shocking Reasons People Cut Off Toxic Family Members


“Over the last few years, I’ve actually lost several family members due to toxic relationships, but the hardest has been my brother. We were always so close, but things changed after he met his now fiancée. She was very immature, mean, and selfish, and my family put up with her to support my brother; but as things got more serious, he became just like her — mean and self-centered.”

“After an argument we had one day, he sent me a text that was so mean and hurtful, it was devastating. I knew then that our relationship was over. I have grieved our relationship, and honestly, I’m still not over it. However, in the end, he wasn’t the same person, and I knew I needed to move on.”

—33, Arizona

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/cutting-off-toxic-family-members