In case you somehow missed it, Donald Trump is running for president again.

Because it’s always interesting, let’s take a look at what famous people voted for him in 2020, because some of them have already said they’re supporting him in 2024…

In 2020, she was outspoken for Trump on Twitter:

Dems have spent 4 years RESISTING,making false accusations & trying to impeach instead of doing what they are paid good money to do;govern & CREATE positive change. Trump works round the clock,acts swiftly & decisively which usually results for the better. It’s why I vote for him

Twitter: @kirstiealley

And in April of this year, she said she didn’t regret it.

You are right I endorsed Trump and NO I didn’t later regret it after being called out. Facts are important. Shut up on fiction

Twitter: @kirstiealley

He was a huge Trump supporter, and probably is still one.

He has golfed with Trump multiple times.

Really, many times.

Another great day on the links! Thank you to POTUS for having me and to EVERYONE at Trump International for being so wonderful. What a great man, so down to earth and so fun to be with!! KEEP AMERICA GREAT!! -Kid Rock

Twitter: @KidRock

Earlier in November, he was tweeting about Oprah and Dr. Oz.

Oprah helped Dr. Oz with his career. I assume because she vetted him and found him to be a wonderful person. Now she is against him. Oprah is a fraud. -Kid Rock.

Twitter: @KidRock

In 2019, she would always tweet about Trump.

President Trump WILL NOT kick this can down the road as his predecessors did. The Wall will be built. The Democrats just need to learn how to eat crow and realize they are negotiating with the wrong G! #BuildTheWallNow #MAGA #WWG1WGA


Here she was in her Trump 2020 hat:

He used to sell Trump merchandise:

And he was tweeting about Trump in June earlier this year:

All you Trump haters are the enemies of mankind because you mindlessly bent over with your derangement syndrome and ushered in a catastrophe for America & the world. Thanks for fuckin nothin.

Twitter: @TedNugent

He told the Washington Post in 2019: “Oh, I’m backing the president for sure. I don’t like a single Democratic candidate. I mean, Pete Buttigieg is an interesting guy and he’s smart and he’s eloquent, but when you start getting into his economic philosophies and that whole Marxist push — no, I’m not cool with that.”


Former Kiss guitarist Ace Frehley

He told the Cassius Morris Show in September 2020: “I will say I’m a Trump supporter. All the politicians have had skeletons in the closet. But I think Trump is the strongest leader that we’ve got on the table.”

He posted a video on Instagram in August 2020 showing his support for Trump, saying, “We the people have turned our backs on this great man who been working effortlessly to restore the balance for the Republic and didn’t even take a paycheck.”

Last night, he tweeted his support for Donald Trump in 2024:

Listening to Donald Trump made me feel the greatest days of America could be ahead of us. Donald Trump has the balls, common sense, and know-how to lift America out of the destructive path it is currently facing. He communicates plainly to the American people with bold clarity.

Twitter: @RobertJohnDavi


The original Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kristy Swanson


Former Grey’s Anatomy actor Isaiah Washington

In 2019, he came out as a Trump supporter.

Earlier this month, he tweeted he was a “little miffed” with Trump.

I’m a little miffed with Donald J. Trump and I’m gonna tell him, if I ever see him in person again.

Twitter: @IWashington

He defended his support of Trump on PBS in 2019.

Watch the woman of color to Kelsey Grammer’s right while he’s rambling poetic about why he believes Donald Trump is good for America.


Love Connection host Chuck Woolery


Conor McGregor (even though he is Irish lol)

In early 2020, he called Trump a “Phenomenal President.”

@realDonaldTrump Phenomenal President. Quite possibly the USA 🐐. Most certainly one of them anyway, as he sits atop the shoulders of many amazing giants that came before him. No easy feet.
Early stages of term also.
Congrats and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day America 🇺🇸❤️🇮🇪


Former Entertainment Tonight host Mary Hart


The O.C. star Samaire Armstrong

She captioned this picture from November 2020: “All my friends are MAGA.”


And last and most obviously, the Duck Dynasty guys
